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More freedom with SolidWorks Campus Licenses
Students at KEA - Copenhagen school of Design and Technology - in Denmark receive a more flexible education situation with the SolidWorks Student Engineering Kit

KEA runs ten curriculums, whereof Product Technology Education is one. During spring semester it had 160 students, and from autumn semester there will be 240. The course is a two years education that can be complemented with a Bachelor’s degree.
Earlier the school used a SolidWorks server license in the department that meant the students had to be connected to the school’s network, and because of that they were unable to use the software at home. In connection with the student's ability to lease a computer from the school, a common wish from both teachers and students arose to allow them to work with SolidWorks both in school and at home. Upgrading the existing SolidWorks license and subscription granted KEA with access to the SolidWorks Student Engineering Kit which gives their students access to SolidWorks software outside the classroom or laboratory. The decision to do so was very well received.
“In the first basic course during one week, the students learn how to handle their new tool. They have good use of the possibility to practice in a calm and safe home environment,” says Jon Emil Stenz, teacher Product Technology Education.
For a school it’s important that the CAD-system they choose to use in the education is easy to learn. The sooner they learn to handle the tool, the sooner they can use their skills in the proper education.
“SolidWorks is easy to learn, and that is something most students realize already after the first week. There are plenty of help functionalities included in the software and good tutorials that make the learning phase easy. Today all of the 160 students work daily with SolidWorks, both at school and at home.”
Jon Emil Stenz says that the student competitive situation when they leave the school is much better if they have learned to master a well spread CAD-system in their education. “Basically they can be productive already from day one,” he concludes.
Press Contacts
Valerie Lecolle (SolidWorks), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +33 (0)4 13 10 80 24
Liudmila Taslanova (UAB “IN RE”), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +370 5 212 4660
Valerie Lecolle (SolidWorks), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +33 (0)4 13 10 80 24
Liudmila Taslanova (UAB “IN RE”), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +370 5 212 4660