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Southco Offers Best-In-Class Ergonomics and Positioning Control Technology For Vehicle Central Console and Headrest Systems
When designing automotive interiors, engineers face challenges in preserving the quality and integrity of the vehicle’s overall design while still delivering a cost effective, functional solution. Furthermore, the need to enhance user comfort and experience has placed increased focus on the concept of ergonomics and brought even the smallest details to the forefront of the design phase.

Caption: Southco's position control hinges enable the centre console lid to hold open at any position and prevents it from unexpected closing.
Positioning hinging for centre control consoles
Today, such issues as vibration and noise, overall functionality and look and feel all play important roles in centre console design. Not only does the lid have to open easily – and remain open – it should also offer smooth and consistent operation with minimal effort, and provide reliable and repeatable use throughout the life cycle of the vehicle. The solution lies in the centre console hinging technology – a proven specialism of engineered access hardware global supplier, Southco.
Southco’s position control hinges feature best-in-class constant torque functionality that enables the centre console lid to hold open at any position and prevents it from falling or unexpectedly closing.
Constant torque hinges allow precise control over operating efforts and can be customized to produce the desired ‘feel’ for the end user, enabling a more substantial perception of quality for lids or trays constructed of lighter materials. Available asymmetric torque allows different lifting and lowering resistance without buzz, squeak or rattle.
Counterbalance torque hinges allow heavier center console lids to pop-open easily when the latch securing the lid is released. Counterbalance hinges allow the end user to lift a lid constructed of heavier materials with ease, improving usability.
Detent torque hinges hold or lock the console lid at a pre-defined opening angle and provide tactile feedback which helps to reduce the chance of over-stressing the lid, preventing the end user from pushing it beyond the designated range of motion.
Additional design specifications, such as single or multiple inner tray(s), can be easily installed within the center console, by integrating them with position control hinges from Southco.
Adding value and flexibility to headrest design
As headrests constantly evolve with the latest automotive design trends, it is essential that engineers anticipate and prepare for changes to styling throughout the design process. They must balance aesthetics and comfort-driven features with functional aspects that are essential to vehicle design.
Industry research reports that new-vehicle owners have had more problems with the headrest adjustment than with any other part of the seat. To overcome this challenge, automotive OEMs have shifted more towards the adoption of a modular platform strategy for headrest design which involves carrying over the same core concept for each new application, while still placing significant focus on changes to the exterior styling of the headrest itself.
Southco’s modular comfort headrest solution features the company’s integrated positioning technology, which provides reliable and flexible constant torque capabilities in a small package – allowing it to be seamlessly integrated into OEM seat designs.
Many predesigned headrest options available fall short of design needs due to generic specifications and bulky hardware. Southco offers a solution with its comfort headrest, a technologically advanced modular system designed to meet the unique performance requirements of each vehicle and to provide consistent torque over high cycle life requirements. The integrated torque hinges provide best-in-class consistent, operating effort in the smallest package requirements, enabling designers to execute previously unattainable headrest styles.
Supplied as a molded assembly, the headrest encapsulates and hides the hinging mechanism for enhanced aesthetic value. The small diameter of the hinge cartridges enables enhanced flexibility that is difficult to achieve with a nut and bolt. Also, the headrest can be designed with a snap-in feature that allows it to be quickly assembled to the headrest structure without screws or rivets. Users can easily position the finished headrest and hold it securely at any desired angle, whether it’s fully opened, partially closed to support the head and neck, or anywhere in between.

Caption: Southco's position control hinge is made of robust materials to last the lifetime of the vehicle.

Caption: Southco's Modular Comfort Headrest provides reliable and flexible torque capabilities in a small package.

Caption: Southco's Modular Comfort Headrest is seamlessly integrated into OEM seat designs.
Caption: Southco's Modular Comfort Headrest is seamlessly integrated into OEM seat designs.