The new Souriau product range for power interconnection includes three shell sizes (19, 23 and 25) with silvered contacts able to handle currents up to 800 amps. The design of these connectors is built around the use of Souriau’s Series III inserts and shells. This pedigree results in unrivalled performance under extreme temperatures and vibration, due in particular to the use of the ratcheting system and materials used and qualified for D38999 applications.
Derived from the AerioMil MIL-DTL-38999 and VG96912 standards, Souriau’s HD range, based on a standard design, was specially developed to withstand the harshest operating environments (shock, vibration, high temperature etc.). By doubling the number of contacts for each size of connector, Souriau HD is the response to the increasingly stringent demands of weight and size reduction.
ELIO® AQ is a metal adaptor for ELIO® optical contacts, for size 8 Quadrax cavities. It enables a standard ELIO® optical contact to be inserted into the size 8 Quadrax cavity of several connector types. The ELIO® AQ adaptor is already available for connectors in the MIL-DTL-38999/EN3645 series III, ARINC 404 and ARINC 600 ranges. All insert arrangement types with a size 8 cavity can thus be fitted with a fiber optic connection using the ELIO® optical contact.
KV class connectors are the perfect answer to the high-vibration and high-temperature (260°C) requirements encountered in aircraft engines and other harsh operating environments. In addition, the trend in aviation to minimise weight and to optimise the ergonomics of wiring harnesses make KV class connectors the perfect solution with their integrated backshell. It is because of these special features that the KV class is the solution adopted for new engine developments.
SOURIAU’s secure PCB connection for hostile environments, its 8D Double Flange (38999 Series III) enables the panel fixing to be separated from the PCB connection. This is an elegant, robust, high-performance solution for connecting up PCBs in boxes whilst retaining all the flexibility of a standard interface.
The Souriau 8D connector with integrated clinch nut allows easy fitting of aluminum sockets to electronic control boxes. It speeds up Series III connector fitting times, whilst at the same time reducing the number of fixing accessories (bolts, washers etc.) needed. It is particularly suited to boxes with difficult access and requiring maintenance, in an aeronautical or military environment.
Balluff introduces BPS, a newly developed series of pressure sensors with IP 67 protection for use in gaseous and liquid media. The rugged devices feature a high-quality, long-term stable ceramic load cell and an especially attractive price/performance ratio, simple installation, high operating comfort and high preci-sion. A large, bright and easily visible display ensures immediate status overview. This shows not only the current system pressure in bar, mbar, PSI and MPa, but also features fast and simple configuration of the sensors according to the VDMA standard, using 2 keys and intuitive menu guidance.
As one of the leading manufacturers of components, systems and solutions for electrical engineering and automation, Eaton’s Electrical Sector or is launching new DC-Switch-Disconnectors. The constantly growing requirements placed on the efficiency of PV installations require operating voltages above the previously usual limits of 1000 VDC. Eaton has consequently further developed its proven DC switch-disconnector product series. Switches for up to 1500V DC with rated operational currents up to 1600A are now available. Switches and accessories are now suitable for ambient temperatures up to 65°C. Typical applications for example are switch-disconnectors in generator terminal boxes, as well as isolating main switches that are suitable for use as maintenance and repair switches on the incoming side of the DC/AC inverter.
The new Anybus® Wireless Bridge from HMS is a solution for extending industrial Ethernet networks with wireless communication. The solution makes it possible to connect industrial devices running Profinet, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP, over a wireless connection.