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VERLINDE hoist for helicopter dummy
Danish Crane Building A/S, DCB, has supplied a crane equipped with a VERLINDE EUROBLOC VT3 hoist for a helicopter dummy, which the Martec training centre has currently installed in the indoor swimming pool in Sæby, Denmark.
The crane is a suspended wire pulley running on a track which stretches across the swimming pool. This type of crane is also used in many industrial applications, but the type of steel, the casing and the finish have been upgraded in this case to safeguard the crane from corrosion in the chlorinated environment of the swimming pool. The VERLINDE EUROBLOC VT3 crane has a lifting capacity of 2 tons, which comprises the dummy itself, weighing 1,200 kg and 800 kg payload. “ VERLINDE EUROBLOC VT3 wire rope hoist was selected due to the environement with extreme saline conditions and by using stainless steel components for rope, hook block and panels we found a solution suitable for public swimming centre.
“In addition a parking bay for the helicopter dummy is built into the crane girder, where it can be retracted when not in use. The bay is designed so that the dummy can be pulled up under the cover without any load on the crane’s moving parts, whilst at the same time the swimming pool users can safely move around below the dummy,” explains Kristen M. Jensen.