The refurbishment of the HVAC system of the Loden-Frey fashion store in Munich was particularly challenging as under no circumstances could the refurbishing work disrupt normal business operations or disturb the store’s customers. The project was made all the more difficult by the restricted clearance space above the suspended ceilings and the limited space available for a new plant room.
With its 60 mm RiLine60 busbar system, Rittal offers a safe and flexible power distribution system for the construction of low-voltage switchgear. Plant constructors now benefit from far easier assembly, thanks to numerous detailed design improvements that have a major effect on assembly handling. The clever integration of RiLine60 busbar systems and components in the Power Engineering 5.0 planning and configuration software means there is now an overall reduction in processing times so that project costs are optimised.
Just 10 years ago, options were limited for making a product, site or enclosure secure, but also readily accessible to a range of authorized personnel.
Beijer Electronics has signed an agreement to acquire a majority of the Taiwanese technology and industrial data communications company Korenix Technology Co. Ltd. Together with Westermo, a world-leading offering in the business area Industrial Data Communications (IDC) is formed.
When seeking to increase the energy and operational efficiencies of its HVAC enclosures by eliminating air leakage through the latching systems, air conditioning equipment manufacturer Air Handling Systems Ltd. (AHS) looked to Southco – as the only company with a product which satisfied rigid pressure tests - to provide the solution.
Once water has been cleaned and decanted, it is often necessary to dry the residual sludge. The SOLIA solar sludge drying process, proposed by MSE, uses an automated turner. The sludge is laid out in windrows, in a greenhouse, to accelerate water evaporation. The operation is automated, and there is no further need to enter the greenhouse to control the robots. These robots are radio-controlled, which provides a more robust solution than the traditional wired approach.
SPAMI, a company forming part of the Stevanato Group, has developed an inspection system to improve the quality of glassware. It uses quality control technologies to screen the glass tubing on arrival at the plant as well as the final product. The system includes a visual inspection system (NoVIS), a system for continuous temperature measurement, and also a digital image processing system, called CLEANER, which is able to detect and remove defects in the glass as small as a few microns in the final product. The fully integrated process machinery provides measurement of glass tube diameter, wall thickness, and temperature using infrared pyrometers (Pyrometer Annealing control) for total quality control, and motorized burners provide close control of their positioning. The use of this system gives Stevanato their advantage in quality over other vial manufacturers. For this advanced system, S.P.A.M.I. uses HMS Anybus converters for the connection between remote visual inspection cameras and the PLCs controlling the production lines.
The automotive division of Hetal-Werke, located in Alpirsbach (Germany), is intensively looking for alternatives to conventional joint technologies. In the future, ATP® TriPress fasteners from Arnold Umformtechnik are expected to be used in place of conventional weld-on studs. These press-in studs match the requirements profile of the company, which specialises in the full scope of kinematic subassemblies and hinges in the passenger car seating area.
This trend-setting building comprises a clinic for physiotherapy and medical muscle-building plus the offices of the builder, Steffen Holzbau. All of the efficiency systems are monitored from a PcVue 9.0 BMS system with remote WebVue access linked to BACnet controllers and communication.