ProSoft Technology

Auto factory utilizes ProSoft Technology radios to help eliminate crashes

We’ve all seen car crashes. Most of us have had one or two in our lifetime. But imagine a car crash where neither car has a steering wheel, or wheels of any sort. Hard to picture? Not if you were watching an assembly line in an automobile manufacturing plant. Needless to say, having cars crash before they have been completely assembled is not good for the bottom line.


eWON Flexy

The eWON Flexy is the world’s first modular industrial M2M router that allows OEMs and system integrators to link remote devices in an environment where communication technologies are constantly changing (2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi,…) and to communicate universally with the most varied field equipment. With its concept of base modules that can contain up to four expansion boards, Flexy offers its end-users an almost unlimited number of possibilities: from a simple serial, MPI, or Profibus gateway to Ethernet, to the WiFi LAN router with redundancy via 3G modem.


Temperature profiling in vacuum and high-pressure gas quenches: Datapaq presents high-performance heat sink

Cambridge, UK – Datapaq introduces the TB9840D heat sink for use in heat treatment applications with a high mechanical load such as nitrogen and helium gas quenches. The new and improved heat sink complements TB4500 and TB4600 thermal barriers from Datapaq. In vacuum or quench applications, it can also be used with TB4000 models. The result of innovative construction and manufacturing approaches, the new heat sink withstands vacuum as well as gas pressure quenches up to 20 bar. Thus, it allows operators to monitor complete high-temperature processes up to 1,200 °C, including heating and cooling cycles. Shortcomings of conventional heat sink designs such as ballooning or shrinkage have been removed. The new tried and tested construction with phase-change material reliably maintains a safe operating temperature below 70 °C for the data logger. New high-pressure filler seals securely prevent gas leakage or permeation in vacuum furnaces. The TB9840D heat sink can be used with Datapaq’s Tpaq21 data logger which generates temperature profiling data that can be retrieved upon exiting the process. In combination with the appropriate thermal barriers from Datapaq, reliable temperature monitoring solutions for various applications can be realized.


SRK terminals now also available for large cross sections from 16 to 120 mm2

CONTA-CLIP has extended its SRK range of terminal blocks with a screw connection, adding models with large cross sections. The feed-through terminals are now also available for wire cross sections between 16 and 120 mm², thereby covering a total range of 0.08 to 120 mm².


SRK series extended by new double level terminals

CONTA-CLIP has extended its SRK series of screw connection terminal blocks, adding approximately 40 new double level models for nominal wire cross sections between 2.5 mm² and 10 mm². The new SRKD double level terminal blocks are available as standard models with two potentials and 2 x 2 connections, with four connections on one potential, or as a protective Ground Terminal Block with a snap-on PE foot contact. The new products are compatible to the existing SRK accessory range.

Morgan Advanced Materials


The Thermal Ceramics business of Morgan Advanced Materials, a world-leading manufacturer of highly engineered insulating materials, has further expanded its high-performance industrial insulation range with the addition of felt and board products made from its newly developed Alphawool® polycrystalline insulation wool for applications in the iron & steel, ceramics, petrochemical and other sectors.

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